Friday, August 20, 2010

We made it!

After a 17 hour flight we made it to Hong Kong. The flight was actually great, we had wonderful service, beautiful/good smelling Americans around us and a quiet cabin. From now on out we will be flying with Korean Air, the crew was amazing and we couldn't have asked for anything else.

Hong Kong has been great so far we have:
- Been to the Hong Kong Temple
- Visited Victoria Peak
- Gone to the Big Buddha
- Gone to the harbor
- Ate amazing dumplings
- Been on a fairy ride to see the laser show over the harbor
- Visited the night market

So far our favorite attraction has been the temple of course but then the Big Buddha, we will post pictures soon. It was amazing. Our dining experiences are getting better every time we go out, on Thursday we went out and had our first "Chinese" meals, they were really good. Our only problem is our lack of chop stick skills but we have not resorted to using forks. Hong Kong is a beautiful, busy city it has been a nice trip. Tomorrow we will be leaving for Beijing where we will spend seven days. Don't worry pictures will soon follow!

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