Monday, August 9, 2010


Packing for four months isn't easy, let a lone the fact that we can only take a 50 pound suit case and one carry on. Luckily we are going to a country that has almost everything we could need, the only items we have to stalk up on are deodorant, mouth wash, batteries and granola bars (Chris's favorite). They suggest that we bring two changes of clothes, two pairs of shoes and the basic hygiene needs, then purchase the other items upon arrival. Well we are going a bit over that recommendation. As of now my suit case only weighs 38 pounds and is only missing a few things. Chris's weighs 52 pounds for reasons we cannot explain especially since I have two more pairs of shoes than him, more clothes, more hair products and a yoga mat. We will soon figure this out for now we are on the look out for a third scales opinion.

p.s. Yes we are both taking our USU shirts : )

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